Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Nursery Reveal

Ok so I'm over a year late, but better late than never right?

I'm not much of a yellow person so I was ready to repaint. Even the ceiling was yellow. Yuck. This was the only room in the whole house that had updated trim and doors. Eventually we will replace the carpet with something more neutral than blue.

Paint Colors:
Wall- Sherwin Williams Gray Clouds
Ceiling- Miller Paint Whirlwind

Product List:
Mobile- handmade by me
Robot Prints from Etsy
Sandyhook prints from Brickyard Buffalo
Rocking chair- Poang from Ikea
Wall shelves- Ikea
Dresser- Craigslist
Pouf- One Kings Lane, similar here
Elephant hook- West Elm
Stool/Side Table- Ikea

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Moving on

So I obviously don't post much. Maybe because no one reads this except my husband. Anyway, we bought a new house! The main reasons were to move to Beaverton (closer to family and more central) and also to have a single family house. We aren't able to sell the old house because we are under water so we found renters and now we are landlords! Our "new" house was built in '91 and is pretty much all original... oak wood floors and cabinets, blue tile and blue carpet. I will have so much to post about! Here are a couple pics of the digs:
First things first... lots of paint! I hate the current colors. My plan is to go cool with greys and blues. Actually, our first priority is to get the nursery ready. Our friend installed board and batten and just needs to be painted. I'll post pics when it's done!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I got the blues

I decided I got tired of the red wall in our dining room. After 4 years my color pallet had changed and I decided it was time for something different. I still wanted a color that would stick out though. I decided on Glidden Peacock Blue but had it mixed with Behr that was also a primer. It was great because it only took 2 coats to cover the red!



The before picture is actually really old but it's be best picture I have. It was taken not long after I moved in. The kitchen table is the same as the before picture, I just painted it and put in the leaf. The chairs are from Ikea.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Quick Update

A lot has happened in the last year and I totally stopped thinking about this blog once Walter proposed. I planned the whole wedding pretty much on my own and funded the majority of it also. That meant I had to cut some corners and also do a lot of DIY, which was so much fun! I ended up having to recruit some friends to help me out because I had so much to do!

Here are all of the DIY items from the wedding:

The Save the Dates I designed myself and printed on the computer. The chandelier was a stamp that I bought on ebay.

All of the flowers were bought at Costco and put together by friends. They did an amazing job! The lace on the candle holders (above and below) were all measured and cut from fabric and sewn on by hand. That project probably took the longest. There were about 50 candle holders all together. The fabric I bought at Joann's and the holders I bought at the dollar store. The white vases are from Michaels. Obviously the people setting up the decor weren't very meticulous because it really bothers me that the ribbons weren't centered! They must have gotten messed up in transportation. And even the vases aren't centered! At one point while they were setting up I felt like going around all the tables myself and fixing everything but really I didn't have the time.

Half of the tables had flowers and half had candelabras that were provided by the venue. I found the necklaces on the candelabra at Target. They were super long so I split each into two.

I wasn't sure if I was going to do programs or not, but last minute I decided to. I bought the paper at Joann's, with a coupon of course. The day before the wedding I designed, printed and put them all together.

The menu cards were by far the easiest!

I found these spoons at Ross and scoured 3 or 4 different stores to find enough for the wedding. I printed off the thank you tags on the computer, punched the holes with a hole puncher I stumbled upon in my desk and of course recruited friends for the bow tying.

My favorite project by far were the Escort cards. I printed the names on one side and the table number on the other. The front has an embossed key and the back has embossed writing (not sure what it says). I made the edges look old with some ink and a foam brush. I had a lot of help on these also. It would have taken me forever to do on my own!

Here are a couple of my favorite pics of the wedding, just for fun.

Monday, September 7, 2009

PDX Street of Dreams

Every year Portland has the Street of Dreams where they showcase amazing million $ homes that are for sale. Usually it's a newly built neighborhood and you can walk through all of the homes that are beautifully decorated. I could only dream about living in one of them. For the last 3 years my boyfriend and I have made sure to go. This year was especially different because it was condos in the Pearl district in Portland. I like houses better but I still had a lot of fun and the views were amazing. Here are some of my favorite pics from the night.

Monday, August 31, 2009

From frame to art.

I found this amazing frame at Ikea for only $25 but I thought it was odd that it was a frame and not a mirror since it's circular.
As a frame it kinda reminded me of something that would be in the Adam's Family household with a picture of the creepy mom. So I decided to stick some fabric inside instead of a picture. I found this fabric at Joann and in 2 seconds it's transformed and I love it!
Oh and don't mind the hanging streamers from the light... they are from my boyfriend Walter's birthday in July. That reminds me that it's probably about time to take them down.

Friday, August 28, 2009

First post

I bought my first house about 2.5 yrs ago at the age of 23. My brother lives with me along with my two cute cats, Milo and Stitch. Since buying my house I have realized that I love home decorating. I never bothered before because throughout college I didn't have any money and I moved at least once a year. All the furniture I had were hand-me-downs from family.

I've been following younghouselove and it has inspired me to start my own blog. I love being creative and I don't get a chance to at work so this will be my outlet. I am not a great writer and am more of a visual person, so my posts will probably be mostly pics and few words. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy.
